Capital Strategy and Planning

Six-Year Capital Plan 

To meet the mission of SCHEV (State Council for Higher education for Virginia), the primary requirement of Capital Strategy and Planning is the Capital Outlay Section of the Six-Year Capital Plan. The overall plan includes information about institutional strategies, projected costs, expected tuition and fees, financial aid, economic development, capital projects and other timely topics. 

The Six-Year Plan for George Mason University establishes the University’s capital requests to be submitted to the Commonwealth for consideration. It sets priorities and direction for continued capital project and academic planning efforts, identifies the impact of additional University dept, assigns responsibilities for capital fundraising, and forecasts additional building operation costs. The plan is updated on an annual basis and approved by the Board of Visitors.  

FY24 Six-Year Capital Plan 
FY23 Six-Year Capital Plan 
FY22 Six-Year Capital Plan 
FY21 Six-Year Capital Plan